Almost every professional needs a web presence of some sort. It’s become a business card, store sign and personal portfolio all in one. But some professions have unique relationships with the online world.

In the following article we’ll detail how to create a Facebook page for photography. We’ll put particular care into ensuring that tips focus on the most important elements for photographers. Tips won’t just tell photographers what to do. Each item will also explain why it’s so important.

1. Showcase Industry Contacts

Working on one’s Facebook page can feel oddly isolated. It’s easy to start seeing things in a perspective a bit too colored by competition. But business is just as much about forming positive relationships.

It’s true that one probably won’t be too friendly with direct competition. But that’s a distinct minority of the overall photography centered world.

Photography involves hardware design and sales, event planning, food services and everyone who loves art. There’s a wide range of people who can help one gain exposure. And they’re often just as eager to make contact with other skilled professionals.

The best part is that it combines business and entertainment. Even the most serious photographers often find themselves having fun while networking on Facebook. But done with business in mind it can produce solid results. A few people in close contact can provide each other with very effective cross promotion.

2. Be the Life of every Holiday Party

Most people see holidays as a chance to relax and have fun. But the holiday decorations don’t magically appear. There’s a huge business surrounding any given holiday. And photographers are in a great position to tap into the holiday market.

One should consider theming posts around any upcoming holiday that has wide public appeal. Tying one’s image into holiday spirit can also tie into emotions surrounding the event. One can even take a hint from advent calendars and have themed countdowns to the big day. These types of countdowns might even have prizes or contests to draw readers in.

3. Make the most of Facebook Messenger

Facebook messenger can make some people feel as if they’re on call every moment of the day. But messenger can be a powerful tool when properly used. The most important thing to remember is that most people look at it as a fairly casual experience.

If someone were on hold for hours over the phone they’d be understandably annoyed. But that same expectation isn’t there with messenger. People don’t want friends and family to assume they’re always available through messenger. And they tend to give that same flexibility to companies with an online presence.

In fact, they’re often more lenient to messenger than with dedicated chat widgets. The simple fact that it’s a tool they use themselves frames it differently. They’re more likely to reach out through it. And they’re less likely to experience any annoyance if there’s a delay in reply.

4. Length Is as Important as Frequency

When photographers hear that they shouldn’t post too often they might compensate in different ways. One should make sure that these impulses help rather than hinder business. And the first thing to look out for is length of one’s posts.

One might not even realize that he’s essentially stuffing multiple pages worth of content into a single post. But it’s certain that his readers will be quite aware of it. An occasional long post is fine.

But it should be the exception rather than the rule. Otherwise, one’s audience will get into the habit of simply skimming rather than reading.

Thankfully photographers have a technique unique to their profession. A picture really can be worth a thousand words. If one has a complex idea to express, it might be better to use images. A photographer isn’t only keeping things pithy and readable. He’s also demonstrating how skillfully he works with the medium.

5. Post Frequently but within Reason

When considering how to create a Facebook page for photography one should keep the medium in mind. Facebook has some significant benefits and differences when compared to traditional advertising. One that people often focus on a bit too much is the price.

A single TV spot can cost a small fortune. Statista reports that a prime time spot costs around 62.4 thousand dollars. Meanwhile one can post again and again on Facebook all day. However, photographers need to keep in mind that there’s a fine line to walk when posting.

Post too little and one’s page can fade into the background. Write too much and someone might feel it’s dominated their online experience. This is further compounded by Facebook frequently changing sorting algorithms.

In general the safest bet is to average one to two posts per day. Spacing it out also helps to compensate for people working nights or evenings. The latest data from a study by Hamermesh & Stancanelli provides solid numbers. It states that over 1/4th of Americans might be working on any given night. This is a huge and often neglected demographic.

6. Stick to Your Domain

Much like the previous item, here we see an important separation between spheres. On a personal Facebook page the photographer might want to project a worldly image. It’s easy to assume this is a good match for one’s professional persona as well.

But in fact, it’s the exact opposite. When a photographer creates his professional page he should focus on a specific geographical area. It’s a great option to buy facebook accounts in the required region. Basically, the images need to showcase areas he’s able to easily work within. Geography is vitally important when considering how to create a Facebook page for photography.

An easy way to accomplish this effect is to include a prominent shot of local landmarks. This isn’t just a good way to showcase one’s range of service either. It also helps establish emotional resonance in locals.

7. Keep to a Business Casual Tone

Facebook is so ubiquitous that people often take it for granted. Provide someone with a sidewalk and they’ll usually have a casual stride. Present someone with a Facebook page and they’ll slide right into their standard posting style.

A moment’s consideration shows why that’s a mistake. Photographers know how important framing and narrative can be. The framing of a shot can change how people react to it. And the text in one’s page can change how people react to the overall presentation.

One shouldn’t go to the other extreme though. People associate photography with emotion. They want a caring artist to work with them.

The easiest way to put this into effect is to consider two people. Before posting, consider how one’s favorite elderly person and closest friend would react to it. One should ensure that posted content won’t prove offensive to either example. And in doing so one will usually ensure that it’s a perfect fit for everyone.

Summing Up

There’s a common theme in most of the tips. When considering how to create a Facebook page for photography one is also considering the audience. One isn’t simply selling a service. Photographers are selling an experience. Learning how to create a Facebook page for photography isn’t just about the page itself. Working on a page also helps focus one’s own business. It helps define what services one should offer. And it also guides one in deciding what’s most profitable. As we come to the end of our talk today, we can easily draw the conclusion that Java is a programming language with many advantages.

We hope that these tips have given you the necessary insight to creating your own Facebook page to attract the right audience for your business.