This is a review article based on answers from asking people questions about why they think it is a good investment idea to buy flats in Alanya and the common pitfalls to avoid while making these crucial decisions. It will also look at some of the real estate happenings and trends in the market which should positively or negatively influence decisions of this nature. Are you in search of profitable locations to invest your money in Turkey? Then wonder no more; by the time you’ve concluded this article, you will be able to have an answer that suits your ambition.

What is the Real Estate Business Like in Turkey, and How Much Does it Generate Yearly?

Generally, the real estate business in Turkey is impressive and has held sway over the years. Most of the industry is privately owned or scattered across local and foreign investors who buy the premises for personal use or commercial purposes. Hotels fall into the second category listed in the prior sentence. Interest and return on investment over Turkish investment in real estate are between 50% – 200% in some exemplary cases, pegged on an average of 150%. This is also the average range to expect if you buy flats in Alanya. It may take a few months or years to get back your capital and make interest, but it is often always worth it.

Where is the Best Place to Invest in Istanbul? 

It could be tricky to decide where to put your money in Turkey. Especially with all of the statistics saying how saturated its cities are, especially Istanbul, which is home to more than ten times more populated than any other area in the country. Why would anyone want to invest in an already saturated place, you may think? Well, the buildings in that area are insufficient to meet the significant demands that keep growing annually.

Being a tourism center, it is improbable that Istanbul will ever be decongested in a manner that harms real estate investment in the city. So, a buy here will deliver an excellent ROI.

Now to the question of where? Although it is an ever-developing city, it is wise to invest in the correct location. According to Turk.Estate, new investors must target developing areas in Istanbul. This is because the property value in these areas accentuates as time goes on and continues improving; that way, you can get a deal for your money. It is also more cost-effective and a method to earn better ROI from your investment rather than buying property in a location that has already been appreciated. It will take a few years to recoup your money and start reaping profits.

Properties that Pay More in the Long Run

For more guarantees of ROI, opt for beach houses and villas in gated communities. Since a large chunk of the Turkish ex-pats come for tourism and relaxation purposes, they favor properties with beach views, either those built next to the ocean (this is in very high demand) or those that have an ocean view on the upper floors. This is why skyscrapers will sell out faster than some properties in hilly or mountainous areas with no water vibes. Make no mistakes; the property market doesn’t dull in any part of Turkey. Once the apartment is liveable and renovated up to standard, you will find an occupant. Still, how long it will be vacant in a total period of a year, the value that will be placed on it, and how much you can rent or sell it, in the long run, will be dependent on the location and oceanic properties are best sellers in the industry.

Signs Why it is Profitable to Invest in Real Estate in Turkey and its Cities

  1. Turkey is highly populated, and homelessness is minimal. Here’s the analysis, there are about 86 million residents of Turkey, according to the 2022 population statistics. Do you know what’s interesting? Only about 100 000 of that number are homeless. Although this data is still problematic for many people who may be suffering, it means that the other 86 million people have shelter and will seek as much as they can afford. This is an indication that real estate will always be in high demand. Note that this number does not include the vacationists and people who flock to Turkey during the festive and religious periods.
  2. Turkey is a tourism center with high demand for luxury real estate. If you are going to invest, then make sure it is in products that are in tall order. Many tourists come to turkey to relax and be taken care of. This category of people often opts for luxury real estate and wants to experience the city’s highlights or at least have straightforward navigability to those fun places. As you invest, have these crucial features behind your min and make your choice accordingly. Therefore, real estate is a substantial paycheck investment because it is in a tourism incline country, and all of the significant districts have a portion of history that is worth seeing.
  3. Real estate-friendly policies and continued increment in the earnings of the real estate market. When putting hundreds of thousands of euros into an investment, you had better be sure that there is good precedent over that industry. In the past decade, the Turkish property investors have been smiling to the bank while cashing out from their respective investments. The market has a good track record, and experts say it will likely improve in decades to come.


Conclusively, the population of people who live in Turkey indicates that real estate is a significant seller in the country. This article suggests that waterfront properties sell faster than townish properties without any view and, as such, are more viable investment options. Additionally, it considers the trends in the Turkish property market and how much you can expect to make on a landed investment. Thank you for reading.