An excellent marksman with a penchant for swift evasion from sneaky attackers—that’s the Hunter! And with fiercely loyal animal companions at their side, hunters are naturally among the default choices of World of Warcraft aficionados.

Hunters may need a ton of WoW Classic items such as ammo and pet food for them to be optimal. On top of that, they’re also somewhat so-so in the self-healing and defensive cooldown departments. But what they lack in those terms, they more than make up for with excellent utility and crowd control. Plus, they’re exceptionally quick to level up from 1-60 and are considered to be among the best classes for open world PVP.

To help you level up with utmost efficiency, here are some surefire tips to take note of. Remember them because you’re going to thank us later!

Manage Your Pets

Hunters are the natural choice of those who are animal lovers in the real world. Why? Because hunters have pets to accompany them through Azeroth! And with a menagerie of pets to choose from, you’ll feel like a kid in a candy store! Hunters may have only one active pet at a time, but don’t let that bum you out. You can still stable a couple of them with the Stable Master NPC.

While you won’t have to worry about tracking the health and cooldowns of your active pet, you’ll need to keep it happy by feeding it and maintaining its happiness. Otherwise, it’ll abandon you! To ensure this doesn’t happen, make sure to brush up on the Beast Lore so you can ascertain which mobs are tameable. The lore also contains info on what certain beasts are capable of as well as their respective food preferences, among other valuable trivia.

Understand the Races

It’s true that many of the race options can be Hunters. However, certain ones have distinct advantages over others. If you ask as which one is best suited to be a Hunter, the answer is none because most of them are viable options. It’s just a matter of deciding which race feels the best to you.

If you choose to be among the Alliance, we’d recommend the Dwarf as it has a couple of offensive advantages as well as defensive ones—particularly Stoneform during PvP scenarios. Should you choose to go with the Horde, the Orc is the obvious choice because of the premium value of Command on the battlefield. You can also benefit from Hardiness on the defensive end. If Orcs aren’t your thing, you can always opt for Trolls as they offer a wide range of bows at your disposal.

Choose Your Professions Carefully

Just as it is with other classes, there are plenty of professions available for the Hunter. It’s vitally important that you plan your choices carefully if you want your leveling to be as efficient as can be.

  • Leatherworking – As mentioned earlier, Hunters are a bit reliant on WoW Classic items to aid them in their adventures. Taking up leatherworking makes sense in this regard. Be that as it may, it’s also a worthy profession to take up as you can rake in copious amounts of WoW Classic gold this way. Through leatherworking, you can craft handy leveling and best-in-slot gear like the notable Devilsaur Armor set.
  • Engineering – If you have a natural proclivity for blowing things up, then engineering is definitely the profession for your Hunter. Through this profession, you can craft bombs of all sorts including the Goblin Sapper Charger. You can also come up with various trinkets like the Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan—which can’’t be found in any other profession.

Submit to Your Hunter Trainers

Hunter trainers are essential for two reasons. One, they teach you spells. Two, they also teach you to rank up those spells to keep them relevant as you level up.

The Alliance Hunter Trainers are as follows

  • Kaerbrus
  • Alenndaar Lapidaar
  • Dorion, Jeen’ra Nightrunner, and Jocaste
  • Grif Wildheart
  • Thorgas Grimson
  • Daera Brightspear, Olmin Burningbeard, and Regnus Thundergranite
  • Dargh Trueaim
  • Einris Brightspear, Thorfin Stoneshield, and Ulfir Ironbeard
  • Ayanna Everstride
  • Dazalar

The Horde Hunter Trainers are as follows:

  • Ogromm
  • Kragg
  • Jen’shan
  • Razor Hill, Durotar: Thotar
  • Lanka Farshot
  • Yaw Sharpmane
  • Ormak Grimshot, Sian’dur, Xor’juul
  • Holt Thunderhorn, Kary Thunderhorn, and Urek Thunderhorn

The Hunter is one of the best classes to play as in your journey through Azeroth. And with this guide, you’ll have no trouble leveling it up efficiently. So keep playing, keep collecting WoW Classic items, and keep saving up your WoW Classic gold. The Hunter is awaiting you!

What do you think? Do you have some foolproof tips to help level up the World of Warcraft Hunter more quickly? Let us know in the comments section!