What is ISO 27001 and how to implement it?

We live in times where businesses face many risks, especially cyber risks. Following In such a situation, securing information becomes important. ISO 27001 is the International standard for Information Security Management. When you follow ISO 27001 controls, you can create an ISMS or Information Security Management System. You can have robust controls in your organization and secure information by following such a system

Our ISO 27001 implementation guide will help you understand how to implement the standard in your organization. By implementing the standard, you can demonstrate how effectively you are following information security. It acts as an assurance to clients that their data will be safe. Compliance with the standard will give you many benefits like reduced risks, compliance with regulatory and other requirements, and reduced costs.

Once you decide to implement ISO 27001, the first step you need to take is to train your staff. You need to provide information security awareness training to all employees. This training will help them understand the importance of complying with this standard and how to do it. You will be able to sensitize employees about the information security policy of the organization through training. The awareness training ISO 27001 will help your employees effectively implement all the security controls you have defined.

Our ISO 27001 guide explains what is security awareness training. It also lists the ISO 27001 training requirements and explains how to conduct the training. The ISO 27001 standard has a requirement of Clause 7.2 that makes it mandatory to create awareness of the system.

How to effectively conduct ISO 27001 Security Awareness Training?

Security awareness training is mandatory as per the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard. Following this standard is one of the key steps in implementing the standard. Once you complete this step, you can then implement the other requirements of the standard. This will help you prepare to get your organization certified by an independent registrar. Certification gives you a distinct advantage over your competitors.

There are six steps involved in ISO 27001 awareness training for employees. These steps represent a structured way of getting your employees trained on information security.

Step 1: Ensure a security policy is in place

The first step is to create an information security policy in writing. The policy would explain how your organization intends to implement ISO 27001. You need to issue every employee with a copy of the policy. You need to ideally get the employee to sign the policy. This ensures the employee acknowledges they have read the policy and understand it.

Step 2: Create a structured training for security awareness

You need to create a structured training course that covers all areas of information security. The course should explain the security policy, the controls you are implementing, implementation benefits, and the implementation process. Cyber security awareness training should also be a part of the training.

Step 3: Make security awareness training a part of onboarding

Security awareness training is not a one-time activity. You need to conduct this training every time a new employee joins. The best way to do this is by making security awareness training a part of the employee onboarding process. This ensures the employees understand the importance of this training right at the time of joining.

Step 4: Carry out Security Testing

Training does not end with the awareness course. The process should continue by trying to find out how well the employees have understood the implementation of security controls. A great way to do this is to carry out security testing. This should include carrying out simulated phishing attacks. The objective is to test employee alertness. Run such phishing attacks once a week or fortnight, so employees are on their toes.

Step 5: Act when security testing fails

It is a definite possibility that some employees would fail the simulated phishing attack. Never name such employees in public! The objective is not to point fingers but to improve awareness. You should advise the employee privately about what they did wrong and how to ensure they don’t fail next time. Circulate a general note on phishing attack fails, so others are aware of what happened.

Step 6: Conduct re-training

Training is not a one-time activity, and would need to be re-conducted periodically. Organizations can change their security policies and procedures. In such a case, re-training helps ensure everyone is updated. Refresher training is also necessary, so employees continue to understand how important information security is.

Successful implementation of security awareness training

Training need not be a classroom activity. You can conduct training through attractively designed posters. You can incorporate fun activities to make training interesting. Circulate screensavers on security awareness for employees to use. You can consider partnering with an information security services provider to ensure effective training.